QLD What does child support cover? Queensland

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Well-Known Member
14 January 2019
Hi advisers - really confused. Have been told a few different things by Child Support Agency and friends that contradict each other. My ex-partner is telling me different things again. Keen to understand the black and white of it - seems very grey at the moment.

My situation:
  • I am the payee of the child support.
  • I now have 50% care of my son (just under 2 years old)
Reading the internet, I see that Child Support is meant to cover the basics - but to what level and what %.

I know that Private Health and Private Schools are to be agreed and shared on top of Child Support. That one I have confirmed...the same with Major Medical (which is fair I think). I also know that Child Support is meant to help cover his living expenses while living at his mothers house. i.e. housing, transport, food and clothing. Which I also have to pay on my side as well while he is with me obviously.

Question 1:
I am currently paying for the Child Care days that my son is in child care for the days I have him. (so 50% of the child care bill - he is in 5 days a week)

Out of interest, is this correct?
(I'm assuming yes - although I've been told if I pay child support, child care isn't paid for by me as child support covers it - my child support amount more than covers the child care costs)

I've been told different things such as "it depends on how much per year in child support", "no" and "yes it does cover it".

Question 2:
If I'm paying Child Support for shared care, am I still liable for 50% of the costs of his school books/texts/uniforms (when he starts school), non-urgent medical costs (basic dental), sport/music/swimming costs, what else am I missing? - or does Child Support meant to cover this? (especially if the amount paying each week is quite a modest amount)

Thanks for your help in advance.


Well-Known Member
25 July 2018
The recipient of child support can use the money any way they see fit. There are no laws or rules that dictate how the money is to be spent or what it is to be used for, other than the general purpose of child support which is to assist with the costs of raising a child. You have no say in how that money is spent and neither does CSA.

Anything extra that you pay on top of child support is up to you and has nothing to do with the child support payments themselves.

So the answer to both questions is No. You are not "required" to pay or "liable" to pay anything other than the anount of child support as stated in the child support assessment. Anything else you pay in excess of that amount is up to you.

With that said, with 50/50 shared custody it is fair to ask to pay 50% of certain costs. You should make sure that you keep CSA updated of any changes in custody arrangements as this affects the amount of child support payable.

So it all comes down to your personal circumstances. Regardless of care arrangements, you should not pay anything extra that you think is excessive or causes you financial strain. So the best thing to do is to use common sense in this area - 50% of certain extras seems reasonable, but at the same time, your ex should be contributing 50% when you are paying for the same types of things yourself.


Well-Known Member
27 September 2015
Totally agree.
But... Do u have court orders stipulating 50\50 care? If not then paying a bit extra might be a good idea. Why? Well if u don't she might change the access and without court orders she can. Cheaper and easier to pay a bit more to avoid getting solicitors involved...
But legally child support is determined by csa that is the extent of your financial responsibility.

My advice? Keep paying for another year. Then reconsider. You have done well to get 50\50 of a child that young. Maybe sucking it up for the minute is a good strategy


Well-Known Member
14 January 2019
Thanks for replies and reading.

I am paying Child Support + Child Care for days I am scheduled to have him. I think that is fair as it covers the rules as I understand them for paying for his needs for my scheduled custody days. And, I'm ok with whatever CSA tells me to pay as per the rules. - so i think Question 1 is kind of already answered...I was just after confirmation as I've been told different things...

How money is spent - Yes I understand. Thanks.

Court Orders - Not yet - that is what we are working on now. I have 50% because quite frankly I've been heavily involved in his care since birth. Yes she took 3 months off after the birth as carer - but then went back to work. But when I wasn't working, I was basically primary carer around working hours so made sure 50% was set with CSA.

I was quite disappointed by the couple of solicitors in Brisbane I saw that said because I was male I wouldn't get more than 20% at this age. So I didn't use them, sad and it's just not right. In theory if she can limit my days, I could do the same to her...but I know thats not how the world works. So yes we need orders put in place.

The reason I am asking the above questions - she is trying to get me sign custody orders at the moment which state I'm liable for Child Support + 50% of all other costs for example school (after he finishes day care), medical and sport etc. and my understanding is that the child support is meant to cover those things and I will pay costs where required or appropriate (common sense). I don't want to sign anything like that for the next 16 years. It's understanding what legally I am required to do. What I do really might be something different above and beyond the min. requirements the rules.

Tim W

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