VIC Threatening Emails Received - Police Refuse to Act?

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LawConnect (LawTap) Verified
27 May 2014
Hi guys,

Hope you can help me. Over the weekend, 2 emails were received by me from the same person, that I perceive to be threatening.

When I first read the emails this morning I immediately printed the emails and went to the police station to report the threat. The police constable made notes in her book and took copies of the emails, but the duty Sergeant refused to take any further steps even after I insisted on making a formal statement. He said they do not think the emails are threatening. I stated to him that I feel threatened, and that I wanted the police to warn the offender.

What are my rights in relation to insisting that the police take the threat seriously?

Bit of background here is that the person is known to me through a civil dispute. This dispute was also mentioned to the police at the time of reporting the threatening emails.