Stalking and Harassment - Can I Sue or Get Compensation?

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Active Member
5 July 2014
Hi, I was wondering if anyone can give me some advice on stalking and harassment. There was a old man stalking and harassing me about two years ago. He was harassing me for naked photos and asking me for s*x advice and also s*x tapes of me and my boyfriend. I went to the police, but they couldn't do anything as it was on Facebook. This went on for about 6 months. Although it has stopped now, I'm still feeling depressed and have been seeing a psychologist. Is there anyway I can seek compensation or sue him under criminal law?

John R

Well-Known Member
14 April 2014
Hi @Helen14,
Unfortunately, if the "old man" has not been convicted of a crime, it is unlikely that you'll be able to obtain financial compensation from him. The Rolf Harris case is a recent example of a situation where an individual is convicted of a criminal offence/s and victims then subsequently consider suing for damages as part of a civil proceeding. See: ABC's The World Today - Rolf Harris faces potential civil compensation claims

If the "old man" was charged and convicted of a crime, it may be possible to obtain limited financial assistance from Victims of Crime departments. For example, the Victims of Crime Assistance Tribunal (VOCAT) operates in Victoria but similar tribunals exist elsewhere. Which state/territory are you located in?

On a personal note, I understand that you are presently seeing a psychologist but if you feel like you need help, please consider calling beyondblue on 1300 22 4636 or Lifeline 13 11 14. beyondblue also offers web chat from 3pm to 12am each day.

Hope this helps.
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Active Member
5 July 2014
No I don't think this old man has been caught or charged before, it was mainly sexual harassment to myself and someone else. Do people get charged for sexual harassment or is it just an intervention order?

Tim W

LawConnect (LawTap) Verified
28 April 2014
Does this person live in the same state as you?


Hi @Helen14

This should've definitely been followed up at the time in which it was occurring. Has it occurred recently?


Active Member
5 July 2014
I went to the police before but they could not help me so I did go back to them. It has stopped for 6 months but I still get abit depressed.


Well-Known Member
10 July 2014
Hi @Helen14

Why could they not help you? If he continued to harass you over this, you could've applied for an APVO?

I would highly recommend you contact Legal Aid (for peace of mind) and explain your situation. Based on your description, it seems as it has psychologically affected you. I personally suggest counselling, this will ease your concerns as you will be enabled to share your feelings. My speculation is that you find this a sensitive topic to discuss due to its nature, and that it may be difficult to discuss with family or friends.

As said above, I strongly recommend counselling. Best of luck.