VIC Selling Grow Tents and LED lights that might be used to grow cannabis?

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New Member
2 March 2022
Hello, my question is about a business selling grow tents, LED lights, and accessories.

These products are used for indoor gardening, and some customers might buy the equipment to grow plants that are illegal in their part of the world (Cannabis).

My question is.. As an online business selling gardening equipment, can I talk about (and show examples) of how the products have been used to grow certain plants that are not legal in Victoria?

I see that local hydro shops avoid any mention of illegal plants… However I also see lots of Australian websites that openly discuss tips and techniques for growing cannabis.

What are the rules?

I know I can’t encourage people to do anything illegal, so I couldn’t say “buy this so you can grow Cannabis”.

But… Can I say “some people have used this product to grow Cannabis and here’s how they did it..”?

Can I display or promote that the products can be used to grow Cannabis plants as long as I avoid direct communication about telling people they should do the same?

Or.. Can I promote that the equipment can be used to grow 1-2 other types of plants, and include Cannabis as one of the plants (meaning I would also show 1-2 other legal plants)?

Deleted member 36971

You better discuss that with a lawyer that’s familiar with the case. There are a lot of peculiarities to consider, and it’s better to look at the issue carefully. You might even talk to the police about it and asks them how strict the rules are.
It’s a little less difficult here in Canada. It’s simple to order wood here online from Dispensary Edmonton ALBERTA or grow it yourself. It’s allowed to have up to 4 plants per household. It’s legal to possess up to 30 grams of cannabis in public.
But you are not allowed to advertise or promote weed-related products in any expressive way that might look appealing.


Active Member
3 December 2015
I've seen a few gardening sites that keep it pretty vague when it comes to what you can grow. They usually just talk about the equipment in general, like how good their LED lights are for indoor plants, without going into specifics about illegal stuff.


Active Member
16 July 2017
Most gardening sites I've come across tend to highlight just the good parts of their gear, like how efficient their LED lights are or the durability of their grow tents. They usually steer clear of mentioning anything iffy, especially about growing illegal plants.

When I was setting up my own indoor garden, I noticed the same pattern. But I wanted the full picture before deciding on what to buy. That's when I found LED LIGHTING - world's #1 led lighting review site. They were pretty upfront about both the advantages and disadvantages of different LED lights. Reading the whole situation there helped me make a more informed choice for my garden. Maybe this approach could work for your site too, focusing on giving a well-rounded view of your products.
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Active Member
14 June 2022
From what I’ve seen, many businesses avoid mentioning cannabis directly to stay on the safe side. Instead, they focus on the general benefits of the equipment for growing various plants.


Active Member
16 July 2017
You can mention that some customers use your products for a range of plants, including cannabis, but make sure your marketing doesn’t encourage illegal activity.

I’ve dealt with similar concerns in my own business, and one approach is to focus on legal, widely accepted uses of your products while mentioning that they are versatile enough for other uses.

For example, highlighting how the NEXA N20000 can help with stress relief or relaxation might resonate with your audience without crossing any legal lines.
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