VIC Query regarding Tuberculosis treatment

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10 March 2018
I am on 457 visa in Australia since 1.5 years. Last year I contracted tuberculosis in my home country. While entering Australia back this February I did not declare TB on the incoming visitor card as I was already on medication since 4 months and tuberculosis was almost finished and I also had clearance letter from doctor. But since past few days it seems TB relapse has happened. Now I am worried whether I should visit a GP or not . If I visit a GP, they will surely ask for my case history and will know my entry date in Australia. Will they immediately cancel my VISA and deport me back as I did not declare TB while entering? I am afraid of going to GP please let me know what should I do. Looking forward to helpful replies.


LawConnect (LawTap) Verified
27 May 2014
TB is a potentially fatal disease. No point dying here early, better to go back to home country, get better and then come again.

Plus you are a danger to other people, including the people you may care about.

Seek treatment now.