Will keep ya posted on SA's existing set up at DPP level?
This is an old post but I see you've been active recently. Care to share your ongoing experience? I'm happy to share mine, but that'll require a beer or 2 as I'm already a year in, haven't seen my 8yr old daughter throughout that time, was charged with multiple offences, then SAPOL discovered that there was no truth to the allegations, funny that, charges were formally withdrawn, but encouraged her to apply for an IO, claiming DV, from 2012-2015?
The relationship ended in 2012 and yes, was toxic for 2-3 years after the fact, but that toxicity was generated by both parties, but then the horseshit lies and misrepresentations spoken via her transcript and affidavit, well, we all know how far some are willing to go to maintain 100% custody of our children, it was actually mindboggling to be perfectly honest.
Anyway, I have much to share, have formed many opinions and am just interested in discussing the topic, maybe share some strategies, who knows, see where this convo ends up taking us.
An interesting side note, when I was having a hard time dealing with things, when I was at my lowest point, I called a Men's DV Helpline. Interestingly, all they wanted to talk about was my guilt and how I was dealing with it and what I was doing to avoid it happening again in the future? Does anyone here imagine that's how the conversation goes down when women contact their DV Helpline?
All of us who find ourselves in this predicament is screaming it, we're being treated as being guilty of the crime, without any factually based evidence, even our own helpline is assuming that we're guilty ffs. Talk about having your back against the wall.