my next door neighbour has put up a extension on the fence without asking us and it’s over 2 meters and then today after 2 months I noticed that they have physical come onto our property and placed nails through our side of the fence on our property without any permission or asking if they could come over to nail the extension fence so it doesn’t fall off the fence. I don’t care about the extension fence but not to be placed on our fence and to physical come into our property to nail the extension on is just not right. For them to do this they would have had to open our backyard gate and go ahead to do the work in our backyard. Plus who knows what else they did and were looking at I’m very angry that they came onto my land in our backyard our private area more then the fence. Can I report them to the police ? Or will the police think I’m just been silly for them coming onto my land. I’ve spoken to my local council and they said if the fence is over 2 meters it has to be removed and they will be fined. I truly can’t stand these next neighbours now even more then before. What can I do to make them aware I will not be taken for a fool. Any advice to make them know it’s not ok to come onto my property