WA Family Court Orders - Centrecare Advising Ex to Get Restraining Order?

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28 March 2016
Hi all,

Just wanting to see if anyone has any experience with Centrecare?

Currently, my ex is using their services for "Legal Advice". They are letting her know that she can get Violence Restraining Orders against me for contacting the school for meetings and appointments on our child's progress, and she can get a Violence Restraining Order against me for texting her (my ex) after unsuccessful scheduled phone calls with our daughter (advising she has been instructed by the courts to facilitate the phone calls)?

Centrecare has told her she does not have to respond to my lawyers and are encouraging her to not facilitate a relationship between myself and our daughter. My ex has stated that she has been advised that if she believes it is not in the best interest of the child, she doesn't have to do or encourage anything.

I have family court orders granting 2 phone calls a week and she is supposed to keep me updated on school progress and out of school activities for me to attend but she doesn't because of the advice that Centrecare has been giving her and she says it is not in the best interest for our daughter to do so.

We are due for a directional hearing on the 27th April 2016.

Thank you in advance


Well-Known Member
27 September 2015
Just checking...

Do you live a long way away from the kid? Why are you not seeing the kid?

Based on what you've written, I reckon mum is getting bad advice, but I can only assume that there isn't a history of abuse? Because you have not mentioned it.


28 March 2016
just checking...
So do you live a long way away from the kid?
why are you not seeing the kid?

Based on what you've written I reckon mum is getting bad advice. BUT I can only assume that there isn't a history of abuse? because you have not mentioned it

No, no abuse, only false allegations from her, which was ruled out when the courts ordered our police records to be released. however, the courts took precautions and ordered "supervised" visits with centrecare, which she refused to take our daughter to.

We were supposed to do a "counselling" session together so she could air her concerns with me as to why she has a problem with me, she specifically requested it, however, won't release her authorisation to attend.

She won't release her authorisation for the supervisor to complete the supervised visits report
we both were ordered to do mums and dads forever program. I have enroled and finished; she has "made enquiries"

We are 3 hours away from each other. Before court, I was seeing our daughter 3 times a year at their house or the park or McDonalds (if I was lucky) (Easter, Birthday and Christmas) I kept asking her for more time but she would say "over her dead body" and "no chance". Sometimes it was only for an hour or 2. (Daughter is 10)

And now we are 1 year into court and I haven't seen our daughter since and our phone calls are reduced to our daughter saying "she doesn't want to talk to me", "I'm not her real family", "only her mum and nan and brother are her real family".


Well-Known Member
23 July 2014
Document everything. Every time you call, every time you make any attempt to spend time with the child, write it into a diary with a time and date.

Parents who don't support a child's relationship with the other parent run a very real risk of losing custody of their kids, nowadays, so document, document, document.

If it's your ex telling you what Centacare told her, I wouldn't put any weight on it whatsoever. She's lying, or she's exaggerating, plain and simple.