NSW Ex Disrupting Shared Care - Call FACS?

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Louise too

Well-Known Member
28 November 2018
My opinion is still that FACS is probably your best and the speediest way of having the issue of the mothers BEHAVIOUR brought to her doorstep... I would be trying that first before looking at going to court for full time care.

FACS won't cost you anything and apart from talking to mum about her erratic care as in dropping them off without notice for any length of time, they will also talk to her about support and what may be available..

If that fails and her behavior continues then perhaps look at urgent orders. Then you will also have any relevant findings from FACS to include in your affidavit

Louise too

Well-Known Member
28 November 2018
Ok thank you for reply.
I am strongly thinking about facs. But some people on this feed does not recommend facs and say I will be worse.
I just want her to get some forced help. And learn consequences and realise we are ex and she needs to support herself and budget. I can’t be picking up the pieces all the time.
As she will not get it herself and her family refuse to realise she is having problems.

Has anyone had experience with facs ?


Well-Known Member
6 February 2019
I think you just need to explain to them that the shared care arrangements you have had, IF ADHERED TO have been working fine. It's the unscheduled drop offs and pickups that play havoc with your work and the kids psyche that is the ongoing problem...

They will discuss available support services. Hopefully she will be receptive..

Louise too

Well-Known Member
28 November 2018
That’s the problem. She thinks there is nothing wrong with her and it’s all my fault because I broke up the family and I do not support her financially.

The lawyers are asking me for more financials to prove the matrimonial tax debt more and she now has access to my accountant for the next 7 days days.

In the meantime she has not provided all her financials. Lawyers sent email to ask for her business account and her ‘bills’ account I use to put $350 a week into for her household bills.

AND in the meantime the parent plan is not being worked out !!!!! Which is why I engaged lawyer in the first place over year ago. !!!!

Ex really wants to settle really bad. Hence why she is threatening not to take kids back etc.
how can I get everyone , incl lawyer , to get the ball rolling with care arrangements with kids. Esp before school holidays.
Lawyer already drafted affidavit and application etc. now they are talking about getting myself and my ex and our fathers together to talk to out. Is this waist of time ?????But I’m sort of keen to go straight to court !!!!

Can I say I will not supply more financials until
Parental care plan is in place. Or will that look bad for me in court if she takes me to court with settlement. ?


Well-Known Member
27 September 2015
firstly, you're better off having 1 thread. Not 2.
As per my comment on the other post - apply to court for children only... Let her apply for assets. But you might need to reconsider what you want from court orders.
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