Sorry, this is beyond my knowledge to be able to help. All I can suggest is see a lawyer, both in Australia and USA. Maybe look at stopping the payments from the USA.
So you're paying in a accordance with the American system... BUT csa don't accept that? and they are running you up a debt?
Not good - but who cares? especially if you don't intend to live / work in Australia...
they are running up a CSA debt...Ex receives appr 1400 au dollars a month...but CSA must have informed her that its not support if she don't - why agree? more money...Ex also narrates to my son i dont support him...its a mess...
Ok - so you are paying money for the child... You have no control over what the mum tells the child... TRUE?
Forget the CSA... You're paying the money as assessed by your American system.
It would be a farce for you to pay according to the US system and the AU system... That is just obvious