WA Appeal Perth Magistrate Court Surety Refusal

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7 July 2023
Last month my son appeared on another charge already on bail with $2k Surety.
Magistrate rules hear both cases together with Surety to remain same, granted personal bail with a condition added that he be drug tested.
All good as I left spoke with solicitor and she confirmed no extra surety just wait for him to be released. After 2 hours I asked again and was told I had to resign surety. But as I got there closing so I came back and told it was now 2x $2k sureties
After another hour I had it approved.
Last week in court for same but thud time they didn't lock him up at 8.15am as all previous times, so I go down to sign the same surety and was refused even though I had $500 more cash in my account. Surety was $×k. REFUSED. The lady doesn't like the way I talk which is fine but she just decided that even though I went home took pics of 8 to 10 k of assets and offers to load Van with our tools for her to inspect she said she was worried I would be in hardship if he absconded ffs

He is my carer.
She also bought up my convictions.
Also said that I have $1400 of outstanding fines still to be paid. Ffs that is on time payment from my DSP and if sorry when I die it is null and void so not applicable.

I want to appeal her decision and asked her name but ffs I can only have her first name and not allowed to see the Private in-house guidelines they supposedly go by.
I can't believe the power they have with no repercussion and although I will get by just how many people families have been treated like a piece of s**t by them. Having relationships families torn apart by a personal b***h arse decision.
At every court appearance the rules guidelines have changed everything. No such thing that all persons are treated equal and all are able to view the rules we all go by.
I sat in court the same day my son was taken over to Cassa remand because his surety signee was given wrong info on where they sent his paperwork not once but twice.
Same day a good looking blonde haired chick appeared and magistrate said now is your father at the Country court house today to sign your Surety as he failed to do so in February and it is July now. Sorry No your honour.
He said oh well I will adjourn till November but your father must be there or else ffs.
Oh I know it would never influence the courts decision but my son has permanent tan being Indigenous male.

Tim W

LawConnect (LawTap) Verified
28 April 2014
One of the biggest difficulties when dealing with bail applicants is
being confident that the surety money has been legitimately sourced.
After all, using proceeds of crime to post surety... nah.
This can be aggravated by things like the person posting the surety having a criminal history of their own.
Things can be further aggravated by the person posting the bail having other debts to the Crown that remain unpaid
(to put it another way... if you have cash and assets with $X, then why haven't you paid your fines...?)

Oh, and as to this bit
Same day a good looking blonde haired chick appeared and...
and this bit
Oh I know it would never influence the courts decision but my son has permanent tan
Stop it. Saying stuff like that is actually you being a racist.


7 July 2023
We had the 2nd trial by Jury after 1st in Feb was hung jury, 2 weeks ago.
Found Not Guilty.
Funny during the 3 day trial I was again refused a $2k surety in the District court this time but judge let my son out on self bail?
Followed more charges in magistrates court as they don't give in as they have our $$.
Again Surety issues but Magistrate saw the drama being caused and wiped the Surety. Common f***ing sense, Wow it was a shock but thankful as he had spent time in when his $2k surety hadn't been signed previously byhis mother as she working away.
As serco new cutoff time so they get paid.

I listened to the alleged victim who gave evidence via pre taped video.
I now know why she never fronted up to court as very first statements were Lies as I was there and she still hasn't returned my money.

Another good one was showing pics that she said were 6 days old taken by her mother but looked like selfi's but anyway I was shocked as she had deep bruising on both sides of body, which was never mentioned before
Like they were Black as, but she forgot to mention she had participated in a Tai Qoundo, martial arts tournament and plastered them all over fb. Plus several other blatant Lies. Final Answer is A Doozy, Q Has Drugs or Alcohol played any part in any of the situations mentioned in your testimony?

No none whatsoever. Ffs
What a joke, it must have been God but all I could hear was the song
Ice Ice Baby.

Another reason for Not allowing Lie Detector results as it would have melted.
3 f***ing years of Reporting, Curfews, trials, Drug Testing, Fights arguments with family, Cops harassment, never feeling relaxed as continual harassment by court officers directives treated differently each and every court appearence. etc etc

I now being a Racist have had a serious look at not only myself but every Court Officer etc I have the good fortune to encounter during my many visits to the holy temples of injustice. Swear to never take their words unless in writing as some have little or No respect towards the human race in these temples.

How the f**k can we get Compensation from this b***h for all the dramas her Lies have caused, in her quest for the monetary windfall awarded to these Lying Sluts, so they can pay off their drug debts.
Also all the other learned people who blindly followed the Lead of guilty let's make his life a fuking misery. Funny how his first lawyer was / is her friend and share same dealers.
I, being a racist can now see how over 3 miserable f***ing years why he received different rules guidelines to adhere too.
f**k the lot of you Scum, pathetic dick suckers who follow blindly because You Owe a favour.
To the Honest court officials I applaud you even to my Olm8 that first met me in the Kimberleys, you Sir are a credit to your profession. Even though we had our times You at All times sought to seek Legal Justice and treated both parties Equal, yes f***ing Equal black white green Dumb or dumber, thank you Olm8. I finally remember your last name and I cried at my Sons memorial reminiscing his time as my witness before you, f**k me tears flowing again.
Sorry but You can tell as you said
You would believe Young Mr before Old Mr and correctly placed police last. You said I watched too much TV haha but how was the old copper f**k even I felt sorry for him. His reply to every question except his name was

Classic what another waste OT ours tax payers money.

Off track again.
My experience
To the Hanging Judge b***h that sentenced me, yes you are / were right by saying I Am A Dumb Kunt.
Probably the most honest thing to come out of your mouth.
To my Breaking Bad lawyer who must have mixed me up with another client as ffs how could I remember the s**t you said about me to the judge. It wasn't me you were talking about.
Oh to my first lawyer that fell asleep in court then gave me same speech at our next meeting word for word, then called me a Liar. I had copies of emails I had sent after our previous meeting saying exactly the same thing.
Olm8 like me give it away Money isn't everything as if your a broke arse Miserable b***h or your a Rich Miserable b***h you will never change.

Not being able to speak f***ing hurt as just what they wanted to hear was allowed. f**k you f**k all you Dog Kunts as your day will come, in the meantime take a look in the mirror, smile and say f**k I am good, I am God, let's f**k all these kunts who come before me as they must all be guilty.
Just a Racist kunt VOICING his opinion
Reminder to ALL
We All here to Eat, s**t & Die.
Enjoy while you can.