QLD What happens when a protection order ends.

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John Z

Well-Known Member
17 June 2020
Hi, I have a protection order that will end soon, I'm curious as to what will happen when it ends. Before anyone says it I can not afford a lawyer now. Im almost homeless.
Im guessing my ex will try to get another one.
Anyone have any ideas.
Id love to just get my perosnal belongings that she has been keeping me from for 3 years and go away.
Thanks for any help..
The systems is broken.


Well-Known Member
27 September 2015
Yup the system is broken. You should have had the opportunity when you were in court ot ask for an order to collect belongings. But nobody told you because nobody wants the work it causes. Theoretically you could write to her and ask for your stuff back....

Been there mate. Eventually I got my head around the fact that it is just stuff.

John Z

Well-Known Member
17 June 2020
Hi, I have a protection order that will end soon, I'm curious as to what will happen when it ends. Before anyone says it I can not afford a lawyer now. Im almost homeless.
Im guessing my ex will try to get another one.
Anyone have any ideas.
Id love to just get my perosnal belongings that she has been keeping me from for 3 years and go away.
Thanks for any help..
The systems is broken.
Thanks sammy01, due to her having worked with QPS it was a loaded gun. I tried to arrange my permitted collection of property in the seven days after being served. I spoke to the OIC who told me that the police were not my removalists and that they wouldn't be there but he would happily breach me if I did breach my order.
I contacted a station nearby that she hadn't worked with but it wasnt there jurisdiction so they couldn't help me. I asked this Senior Sergent for a bit of advise as to how I was supposed to arrange to collect my things when one of my conditions was not to contact her and not to ask anyone else to contact her. He shook his head and said she knows the system doesn't she. He said the other would certainly breach me and with the history make it a very painful experience.
I know it is just stuff, Ive given up hope of ever getting any of my things back. I really just want the house sold so I can get my name off the mortgage, then I'm history.
Its been almost 3 years since she threw me out of our house. I've spent 3 years getting on with life.... Shes spent 24 hours a day for 3 years trying to make people believe her crap and brainwashing our children.
Ive learnt one very interesting thing with all of this, genuine people who are in serious danger from a violent partner can not find the help they need... but the schemers and con artists that know exactly how to play the game win.


Well-Known Member
6 February 2019
I really just want the house sold so I can get my name off the mortgage, then I'm history.
Its been almost 3 years since she threw me out of our house.

1) Is your name on the house title as well as mortgage?
2) Married or de facto? .....How long for?
3) How old are kids


Well-Known Member
9 April 2020
I am in a similar position to you but thankfully the local police were extremely helpful when I wanted to collect my things.
The order against me expires in 32 days. Despite the advice here that she needs new allegations or incidents to get another one I am expecting her to try. And given the way the system is I believe she will get what she wants.
While she needlessly worries about that I am hoping to get parenting and property matters sorted as soon as I can so I can get away from this person and get on with my life.

John Z

Well-Known Member
17 June 2020
1) Is your name on the house title as well as mortgage?
2) Married or de facto? .....How long for?
3) How old are kids
Hi Atticus,
Yes name is on both the title and mortgage.
Married for 14years
Kids are 7 and 11.

So far its taken 3 years and a lot of money to acheive nothing.
I just want to end this part of my life and move on.

John Z

Well-Known Member
17 June 2020
I am in a similar position to you but thankfully the local police were extremely helpful when I wanted to collect my things.
The order against me expires in 32 days. Despite the advice here that she needs new allegations or incidents to get another one I am expecting her to try. And given the way the system is I believe she will get what she wants.
While she needlessly worries about that I am hoping to get parenting and property matters sorted as soon as I can so I can get away from this person and get on with my life.
Hi Jamie27, you have been lucky.
I'm assuming my ex will do and say what she needs to get another one. There is no need for it, I have no interest in her and didn't from the start. She has just used a system she understood to manipulate things in her favor and has and will say anything to get her way.
I have complied with all the conditions on my order from the very start but was breached on a technicality, the day I was served the attending officers had to leave for an emergency call. I was still in the process of putting a few items in my car,
I had locked the house and was on the footpath at the time. The officer asked me how long I would be and I said maybe 4 or 5 minutes, he said ok but if i come back after this job and your hear I will breach you. I said thank you, finished loading the car and drove off.
Nine months later I get a call telling me the police are looking for me. I went to the nearest station as soon as possible, I was taken into an interview room and read my rights. After a lot of talking it finally came out that 6 weeks after
I was removed from my house my ex returned from her time in hiding in domestic safe houses and found out that I had been at the property for those few minutes after the police left. She went door to door around every neighbor to find one to go and make a complaint. Finally she took one neighbor to her favorite police station and told them how to make a complaint. Took the police 9 months to get around to trying to contact me.
The station I attended and the sergeant who I dealt with and the Officer in charge all dealt with me in a very good manner. They only issued me with a notice to appear instead of formally arresting me and processing me through the watch house. I was very grateful for the help. They understood it was a technical breach only and as no damage had been reported and that neither the aggrieved or children were present they didn't fully understand why it was an issue.
I went to court and while it was only a technical breach and the magistrates first question to police prosecution was "it was 5 minutes, the aggrieved and children were not present and nothing was reported damaged or stolen, so why are we here...'
the police prosecutor just shrugged his shoulders.
So the magistrate reads through all his stuff and says to me that "while it is only a technical breach, in the current climate it would be remiss to not punish me in some way.."
what a crock, I had to be punished because the QPS is under manned.
The system is so broken and loaded.. God knows how same sex couples deal with this stuff..

John Z

Well-Known Member
17 June 2020
Hi John - I hope your punishment wasn't a conviction.
no, I got a$1000 18 month good behaviour bond and a $3000 dollar bill from my useless lawyers.
Plus a lesson that there is no true justice unless you pay for it.


Well-Known Member
6 February 2019
Hi Atticus,
Yes name is on both the title and mortgage.
Married for 14years
Kids are 7 and 11.
Probably should have also asked if you have divorced?
If you have been divorced for more than 12 months it just means you must first seek leave to apply for orders to get things happening ... If she is refusing to do anything, then orders are THE ONLY way to compels her into any action I'm afraid ....

Couple more questions ...

So far its taken 3 years and a lot of money to acheive nothing.
1) Does that include any court applications for settlement? .... mediation for settlement?
2) She is in the house with kids, but who is paying mortgage?
3) Are you paying child support? .... seeing kids regularly?