WA Shoplifting target

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9 October 2023
Good afternoon,
Today I accidentally didn’t scan the bottoms of my bikini in Target as the top and bottoms were the same and I was scanning a lot of things, as I walked out the shop, two people undercover pulled me aside and said I had been caught not scanning my items, I told them they could look through my bags, and surely enough i hadn’t scanned it, I said this was a mistake, but they weren’t taking it.
They took me to a room out the back and went through all my bags to check if I had stollen anything else, I hadn’t, but they took photos of my ID and made me sign a form to say I won’t enter a Target for 12 months and then took photos of me paying for the item and leaving the store, my daughter was with me in the trolley and I am terrified that these photos are going to be put up at the front of the store or in the staff room with my daughter in them (or even just me)

I have never stollen before, I have no criminal record (not even a speeding fine!) but I am so embarrassed and scared someone I know will see these photos or anything further will happen from the ban! Does anyone know if I can be charged further, or would the police have been called at the time?


Tim W

LawConnect (LawTap) Verified
28 April 2014
You paid for them?
Then there is no offence.
It's over.