My ex and i went to the Lands Title office and did all things to take her off the title of the house. She received no money for this. The Legal Services Commission stopped this as they had a Statutory Charge over it for her family court costs. They said they would allow it to happen if i signed to take responsibility for her debt. Her name was only on the house for finance reason and she had not contributed to it Financially or Non Financially and we had split she would say 2013 i can prove 2009 given its 2018 the time limit to make claim had well passed either way, we decided i would get the house as she had never contributed anything to it and that's wots hers is hers and wots mine is mine. She was on a gov benefit when she got legal aid so she was entitled to legal aid, if we had not agreed court would of been hard given the amount of time apart. I have had trouble with the bank and they have a possession order, the lands title have sent intention to reject because of time if i can't sort out the charge issue. So her name is still on the title thus preventing me from exploring the option to refinance or selling myself providing the bank let me sell, still waiting to hear from them on that. Even if i decided to take on her debt so legal services would allow the house to go into my name so i can try to do something before the bank gets the lot, would the lawyers for the bank be able to stop this because they have an order for possession?? I hope i haven't made this to hard to understand cheers and Thanks in advance for any advise.