property settlement

Property Settlement
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Australian legal questions tagged as related to property settlement on
  1. C

    VIC Property settlement

    Hi I am just new I have a court order for the property settlement. It states my ex ( we are divorced) has to vacate the property in 45 days after he receives the first payment.this was from my super if 28 k He did receive that and the 45 days is up in 3 days I am also buying him out of the...
  2. K

    NSW Rent charge appears on property settlement offer from 2019.

    Hi :) My husband and I separated May 2019. We shared our home, me mon-thurs and him fri-sun for 5 months. I then lived in home with kids (3 and 6) for 7 months while he decided to live with his parents. I had to leave home and area and go out n rent as of May 2020 (to avoid the toxic harassment)...
  3. O

    VIC Filing for court for Property Settlement + Parenting Order myself? De Facto relationship

    Hi all, I was in a De facto relationship for 8 years - partner and I just separated. One house, 2 young kids. She is dragging her feet to do the paperwork for the property settlement (she made me leave and kept everything), offered me like 6% of our assets, I asked for 40%. We've gone through...
  4. N

    QLD property settlement before divorce

    Hi, I am recently separated (coming up to 5 months) We currently are doing week on/ week off at the house with the 3 kids. Parenting is agreed and not a problem. We are looking at next steps and I have offered to buy her out of the house to keep some normality for the kids. (i am currently...
  5. D

    NSW Property Settlement - What to do with a gold digger ex-wife

    Hi, I bought a house in 2009 for $ 400K. The house prices were down at the time due to GFC. My family paid 260K deposit from inheritance money they received, so the bank loan was about 150K. The house is actually for my parents but was put under my name since I was the one working at the time...
  6. D

    QLD Income used in the contribution

    Hi there I am helping a family member with a divorce settlement and trying to establish what his income contribution to the relationship should be based on. Does anyone know if gross income, taxable, assessable income is used as the basis of is contribution. Very much appreciate some help with...
  7. Josephine H

    NSW belated property settlement.

    divorced in 1995 the ex husband threatened to burn our house to the ground if I attempted to get a property settlement. I left with just the children. am I able NOW to get a belated property settlement now that he intends to sell property we owned together? I don't recall there ever was an...
  8. mvpc

    VIC Property Settlement Case Study

    A Case Study Family = Husband + Wife Parents = Wife’s Parents Mother = Wife’s Mother (A)wife’s parents sold an apartment in China to wife for $380k over 10 years ago. Husband and wife has married for 18 years before the transfer. The title was under wife’s name. (B)Family and parents had...
  9. mvpc

    VIC Property Settlement

    A Case Study Family = Husband + Wife Parents = Wife’s Parents Mother = Wife’s Mother (A)wife’s parents sold an apartment in China to wife for $380k over 10 years ago. Husband and wife has married for 18 years before the transfer. The title was under wife’s name. (B)Family and parents had...
  10. Sini

    QLD Divorce and property settlement for overseas married Couple.

    We are married for 20 years and marriage was legally commenced in India and not registered in Australia. Couple is Australian citizens and lived in Australia for last 19 year but for last 2 years I moved to India after our separations. We have assets both in Australia and India. Australian...