property settlement

Property Settlement
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Australian legal questions tagged as related to property settlement on
  1. B

    VIC asset pool property settlement

    Hi My ex and I have separated under one roof, its been 12 mths and he is still delaying property settlement. He has his own business, a tattoo parlour. He only accepts payment in cash, which enables him to keep most of his earnings by not declaring it in his tax return. I think he also has a...
  2. B

    VIC Property settlement

    married 30 years, separated under one roof , family home in joint names, all other assets in his name 3 x boats, Tattoo business, jestski, Motor bikes, holiday dwelling, he's hiding and selling assets. I have been trying to fairly negotiate for last 12mths, he has stone walled me as he...
  3. E

    SA divorce property settlement, Court order Translation required.

    Court order was in place with this property. The investment property was sold with the option to buy under a lease to buy option in 2011, this was recognised on the court order and the court order had options if it did not proceed by the expiry date being 2013. Should have followed that up...
  4. J

    QLD Can mortgage be increased after property settlement?

    Good Morning, My partner has just had conciliation and has been fighting for rights to his children since the beginning of the year. He can no longer afford his private solicitor anymore and already has big debt. His ex has Legal aid. During Conciliation he was pressured into giving the ex half...
  5. T

    VIC Property settlement question

    Hi - just noting at the outset that I have a solicitor, but I have a lot of respect for some of the opinions here so just wanted to put something out there. Will try to keep it brief. Wife and I separated Jan 2020. We have three girls - 16, 14 and 11. 16 yo lives with me full time, 14 yo and 11...
  6. S

    VIC Stamp duty adjustment for future home?

    Husband keeps the family home, wife moves out. She's currently renting but plan to buy a home within 1 year. In a s79 property division, will the court do an adjustment in wife's favour for the stamp duty on her future home purchase? If it does, how does the court work out the amount?
  7. S

    QLD How long can property settlement go on for ?

    Hello. My partner of 10 years put a dvo on me on October 2020. She a applied for property settlement in Jan 2021 (she applied before the final hearing of the dvo which I accepted the order conditions without admission due to limited funds ) . There has been one email from her lawyer to my...
  8. V

    Injury from Relationship and how damages are considered during Property Settlement

    I was injured during my relationship with my ex. I was his full time carer and suffered vertebrae injury that persists today. I also suffered psychological injury that is long term now. I suffer pain and I’m not able to work full time and have expected medical costs related to the i furies. We...
  9. J

    VIC Property settlement and primary carer considerations with abusive husband. DHHS/ family violence intervention order

    I have a Family Violence Intervention Order against me at present, which means I can’t see my children, who are living with their father, from whom I am separated ( not divorced as it hasn’t been twelve months). In regards to property settlement, what is the likelihood of the court giving my...
  10. H

    QLD Someone please help. Don't know where to start - property settlement

    Hi and thanks in advance. I was in a relationship for eight years, me ex partner and I, had 3 young children (the youngest is 1) and purchased a house 5 years ago, he worked while I looked after our business and children. We purchased a house about 5yrs ago. There was alot of dv done to me...