QLD Ongoing Domestic Abuse

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25 April 2018
I feel i need to put some kind of restraining order/Domestic Violence order to stop my mother constantly putting me under a lot of undue stress due to Abuse i have suffered for the best part of 45yrs. Due to my ill health & mental health issues, chronic pain, i had no other alternative for accommodation so I had to move back into my mothers home, which i live alone in the Granny-flat, i have always paid rent & have done a lot of work on her house. I have a history of blackouts which is currently being investigated, due to this issue, I had a blackout whilst driving, which was my very 1st car accident. and am now basically trapped. There are a multitude of issues and it is a very strained relationship, regardless of what i have done all my life to try have some kind of closer relationship. I suffer from Severe Panic Disorder with complex PTSD, along with the chronic headaches and pain, which all trauma was when i was very young through Domestic Abuse. I have been in constant contact with DV Connect but not in regards to my mother, as i did not want it to end up this way, its heartbreaking, but i cant deal with her anymore, something has to be done, even if its just a threat, nothing will change. It would take too long for me type my whole story.


Well-Known Member
23 July 2014
First, I am sorry to hear about your situation. I imagine it's very difficult to come to terms with and I hope you can surround yourself with a support network to help you through this.

You can file for a domestic violence order against your mother by filing a civil application yourself. There is information and the appropriate form available here: Applying for a domestic violence order | Queensland Courts

If you need more assistance, please feel free to ask.


LawConnect (LawTap) Verified
27 May 2014
You didn't mention if you are undertaking counselling. If you are not undertaking any, I suggest counselling will also be of benefit.


Active Member
13 May 2017
DV connect should be able to get you in touch with a refuge. Let them what’s going on and they will place you somewhere close by. Even if it’s just for a few days, it might be what you need to get some time to plan and speak to police on private.

An application for a DVO can be done privately as per the link above. If you choose that pathway there is a lot of support at magistrates court for domestic violence, even a safe room if your Mum is there.

If money is an issue, contact centrelink who can assist you with an one off crisis payment.

My thoughts are with you x