VIC Business offering money if I withdraw the complaints raised against them with government bodies. What does it mean ?

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Active Member
6 September 2023
Hello everyone,

A real estate business owes me a significant amount $150k.
Recently, their real estate agent approached me to withdraw my complaints filed against them with government bodies.
In return, the real estate business proposes to pay me a smaller amount of $50k. Upon successful withdrawal of the complaints, they commit to paying the remaining $100k in mid-2024, although the exact dates are not confirmed.

I have a question about the real estate business's approach. What could be the possible reasons for this proposal and what does it mean?

Are they trying to trick me?

I am concerned that accepting this offer might result in receiving only $50k and there's uncertainty about receiving the remaining $100k, even if they provide it in writing.

It's worth noting that the real estate is responding to the complaints I raised with government agents using their lawyer.

I appreciate your guidance. Thank you.

Kind regards,

Tim W

LawConnect (LawTap) Verified
28 April 2014
Pro Tip 1 - Posting and reposting the same question over and over (and over) across multiple pages here is exactly not the way to get any more help.
Pro Tip 2 - You are clearly out of your depth in every aspect of this deal. You face significant financial loss and costs here if you do not get formal, fully considered, case specific legal advice immediately.

--> It's time for you to get a lawyer.


Active Member
6 September 2023
Thanks Tim. My apologies for posting the same across other categories. I wasn't sure of civil or criminal case type for this specific issue and also how the forum members would treat this case type. I will remind myself not to repeat it again.

Kind regards

Tim W

LawConnect (LawTap) Verified
28 April 2014
You won't need to post here again.
You will not find the help that you need here.
What you need is a lawyer of your own, without further delay.
23 January 2024
In your case, it's crucial to get everything in writing, including a clear timeline. You don't want to end up in a situation where you receive only the initial amount, and the rest is left hanging.
Considering your concern, it might be wise to consult with a legal expert or advisor who can review the terms and ensure your interests are protected. Don't rush into any decisions without all the facts.
Still, if you want to boost your performance in handling such matters, it could involve trying out various CRMs. I've found that CRMs with task management features can help in staying organized and on top of complex situations like this.